Heloísa Silveira Campos 

Real Estate



awyer with experience in consultancy and litigation in the areas of labor and civil law. Expertise in the preparation of defenses and appeals, deadline control, drafting of procedural opinions, and conducting hearings. Experienced in corporate environments, with solid experience in legal advisory for clients from different sectors, ensuring compliance and risk mitigation.


  • Universidade do Vale do Paraíba 

Real Estate


Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Lawyer specialized in Labor, with experience as plaintiff and defendant. Experience also in Tax Law, Social Security Law and Civil Law.


  • Graduated in law, from the Faculty of law of São Bernardo do campo. Post- Graduation student at PUC-RS University

Real Estate


Portuguese and English.

With over 16 years of experience in the workforce, Roberta has honed her skills by working for large companies and multinationals 

She is deeply involved and passionate about the corporate world.

My experience includes: Simultaneously assisting over 50 companies. Working in Family Office, developing strategies and managing assets. Providing expertise in real estate and energy, including assisting in obtaining licenses such as CRI and CEPACs, and managing overall company administration.

Possessing expertise in family law, real estate, and corporate law.


  • Law Degree from FMU – Itaim Bibi.
  • Licença em Direito Imobiliário – FGV
  • Contratos Empresariais: Técnicas de Elaboração e Análise – MEU CURSO
  • Prática em Contratos Privados – MEU CURSO
  • Prática Imobiliária – MEU CURSO


Portuguese and English

Expertise in the areas of Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Governance and Business Contracts, with a majority of experience working with technology clients and investment funds.


  • Bachelor of Laws, Mackenzie Presbyterian University - SP;
  • LLM in Corporate Law from Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (Insper).

Real Estate


Basic English

I have over 5 years of experience in labor law for businesses, handling all procedural phases. I have expertise in reducing labor liabilities for companies undergoing judicial recovery. My experience includes preparing reports, managing publications, meeting with clients, conducting hearings and oral arguments, negotiating settlements, updating systems, and managing various administrative deadlines. I hold a postgraduate degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedure from Mackenzie University and a postgraduate degree in Business Law from Legale.

I have experience with companies from various sectors, including small and large retail, metallurgical industry, and urban cleaning.


  • • Bachelor’s Degree in Law – Completed in 2008 at UNIVEM – Marília.
  • • Postgraduate Degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedure from Mackenzie University.
  • Post-diplôme en Droit des Affaires par la Faculté Legale.




Process of opening companies in the Board of Trade of São Paulo since the conception of the articles of association. In addition, regularization with city halls, licensing, municipal registrations and final beneficiary before the Federal Revenue Service, analysis and drafting of lease agreements, incorporation of SPEs, due diligence for M&A operations and acquisition of real estate.


  • Bachelor's degree from São Judas Tadeu University.

LGPD / Contracts / Compliance / Corporate Law


Portuguese, English and Spanish

Specialized in contractual advisory in the areas of digital law, corporate law, and industrial property. Experienced in business consultancy, advising clients ranging from small to large enterprises across various sectors, notably retail, technology, and energy.


  • Bachelor of Law from UERJ and Specialist in Contract Law from PUC-Rio.



English and Portuguese

Lawyer working in the areas of corporate, contractual and real property law, especially in the foodservice and franchising sectors. Experience in consultancy and civil litigation.


  • Graduação pela Universidade São Judas Tadeu – USJT



Portuguese and English

Works in the field of business law and is a member of the compliance and data protection team.

Experience in business law, contracts, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, and real estate development


  • LLM em Direito Societário e Mercado de Capitais – IBMEC
  • Specialization in Business Law from the Catholic University of Salvador – UCSAL
  • Specialization in Real Estate Law from the University of Salvador – UNIFACS
  • Bachelor in Laws from the University Center of Jorge Amado – Salvador/BA

Corporate Law, Business Contracts and Real Estate.


English and Portuguese

Lawyer working in the areas of Corporate Law, Business Contracts and Real Estate.


  • Pós-graduação em Direito Empresarial pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV
  • Graduação em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas – FDSM