Carolina Moresco

Corporate and M&A


English and Portuguese

Acting lawyer in the areas of Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Investment, Corporate Contracts and Real Estate Law.


  • Bachelor's degree in Law by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
  • Graduate studies degree in Corporate Law by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
  • LLM in Contract Law by INSPER

Labour Law (Litigation and Advisory) and Union Relations


English and Portuguese

A specialist in labor law, he excels in managing HR routines and developing defense strategies, encompassing both consultancy and administrative and judicial processes. He is adept at handling matters related to union issues and the Labor Prosecutor's Office, with extensive experience in the automotive, pharmaceutical, construction, banking, and metallurgical sectors.

He is a full member of the Special Commission on Union Law of the OAB/SP

and is also an participant in CIELO Laboral – Community for Labor and Occupational Research and Study.


  • Leaders League Labor Advisory (2024)


  • Bachelor's degree by Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU/SP)
  • Completed the Business Law Continuing Education course provided by Langara College/Canada
  • Completed the Corporate Leadership course provided by FGV/SP
  • Graduate studies degree in Material, Procedural and Collective Labor Law provided by PUC/COGEAE

Labour Law (advisory and contentious), Social Security, Mining, Environmental, Administrative and Regulatory


English and Portuguese

Solid legal and corporate experience acquired in companies in the mining, automotive, chemical, gas and oil segments and corporate law firms. 


  • Análise Advocacia 500: Economic Sector - Automotive and Auto Parts (2018) and Economic Sector - Specialized Services (2020)
  • Leaders League Labor Advisory (2024)


  • Bachelor's degree by the School of Law of the University of São Paulo – USP
  • Graduate studies degree - MBA in Tax Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV/RJ

Tax Law, Accounting, Tax Planning, Administrative Proceedings


English, German, French and Portuguese 

Lawyer in the area of Tax Law, advisory and litigation, with solid experience in accounting, corporate law and social security.


  • Bachelor's degree from the School of Law of Universidade de São Paulo - Largo de São Francisco
  • Graduate studies degree in Tax Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Master's degree in Tax Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Litigation and Civil Consultancy (Judicial and Arbitral), Environmental Litigation.


English and Portuguese

Specialist in civil and environmental litigation, in particular claims involving the consumer defence code, automotive law, real estate, civil/environmental liability.

With 18 years' experience in highly complex matters involving civil and environmental matters; experience in managing large litigation portfolios; experience in arbitration.

It acts in the conduct of civil and environmental lawsuits and arbitrations, responding to consultations and drafting opinions.

Recognized in the 2020 Análise 500 editorial in two modalities: Civil Specialty and Economic Sector in the Electric Energy category.

Nominated in the Legal Guide (Leaders League) in the area of Commercial and Civil Litigation in 2018.

Awards: nominee by Global Law Experts as recommended Lawyer in Brazil in the “Civil Litigation” category on 2016.


  • Bachelor's degree by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Graduate studies degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedure at Escola Paulista de Direito

Labour Law (Litigation and Advisory) and Mining Law


English, Spanish and Portuguese


  • Análise 500: Economic sector - Steel and Mining (2019 and 2020); Specialty - Labor (2020). Leaders League Mining (2021)
  • The Legal 500 – Mininig e Labor & Employment
  • Leaders League Mining (2021)
  • Leaders League Mining (2023)
  • Leaders League Mining (2024)
  • Leaders League Labor Advisory (2024)
  • Member of the Compliance Committee of CCBC and Coordinator of the Labour Compliance Group
  • Member of the CCBC Mining Committee


  • Executive MBA IESE
  • Bachelor's degree by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC/SP
  • Human Resources Management – Cornell
  • Product Strategy: Discovering, Developing, Managing and Marketing Products as a Business – Kellogg Executive Education
  • Finance for Non-Finance Professionals – Rice University

Corporate and M&A, Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Contracts, Compliance and Data Protection


French, Portuguese and English

Anne is an associate and managing partner of GT Lawyers' branch in Rio, which was inaugurated in 2017. She works in the areas of corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, foreign investments, corporate contracts, Compliance, and Data Privacy. 

Anne specializes in cross-border operations involving Canadian or French companies. She advises her clients on the establishment and reorganization of their companies, the structuring of joint-venture contracts and other forms of business partnerships, as well as foreign investments in Brazil. As the responsible associate of the Compliance and Personal Data Protection department at the firm, she advises companies on compliance with Anti-corruption and Personal Data Protection laws. 

Vice-Presidente da Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Canadá (CCBC), mandatos 2017-2019, 2019-2021 e 2021-2023. Coordena também as atividades da CCBC no Rio de Janeiro desde 2016. Diretora estatuaria jurídica da CCBC, mandato 2023-2025. Membro do Barreau du Québec (OAB Québec – Canadá), além de ser membro da OAB do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo.


  • Professional Certification in Anti-Corruption Compliance CPC-A (FGV)
  • Professional Certification in Anti-Corruption Compliance CPC-A (FGV)
  • Revalidation of the Bachelor's degree in Law - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • MBA in economics and business law - FGV - Fundação Getúlio Vargas Rio de Janeiro
  • École du Barrreau du Québec, Montréal – Canadá; LLB. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de Montreal

Corporate and M&A


French, English and Portuguese

Lawyer with more than 25 years of experience in the areas of Corporate, Business Contracts, Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital Markets, Foreign Investments, Corporate Governance.

  • Founding Partner GT Lawyers (2013)
  • Naming Partner Escritório ASGV (março 2012 – maio 2013)
  • Sócia de Gouveia Vieira advogados (outubro 1999 – março 2012)
  • Professor and Coordinator of the Latin American Economics Course at EM Lyon Business School – Juriste Manager International since 2003
  • Member of the Board of the France-Brazil Chamber of Commerce between 2003 and 2016
  • Member of the Board and Director of the Alliance Française in São Paulo between 2007 and 2009
  • Director of the France-Brazil Chamber of Commerce between 2013 and 2016
  • Recognized by Chambers and Partners France as a foreign specialist for Brazil in Corporate/M&A and named in Latin Lawyer 250
  • Most admired lawyer in several rankings by Análise Advocacia (Ranking of the best law firms and lawyers in Brazil)


  • Degree in Law from the Jean Moulin Lyon III University
  • Bachelor's degree by the School of Law of the University of São Paulo – USP
  • Master in European and International Community Law (DESS) from Jean Moulin Lyon III University