Anne-Catherine Brunschwig

Corporate and M&A, Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Contracts, Compliance and Data Protection


French, Portuguese and English

Anne is an associate and managing partner of GT Lawyers' branch in Rio, which was inaugurated in 2017. She works in the areas of corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, foreign investments, corporate contracts, Compliance, and Data Privacy. 

Anne specializes in cross-border operations involving Canadian or French companies. She advises her clients on the establishment and reorganization of their companies, the structuring of joint-venture contracts and other forms of business partnerships, as well as foreign investments in Brazil. As the responsible associate of the Compliance and Personal Data Protection department at the firm, she advises companies on compliance with Anti-corruption and Personal Data Protection laws. 

Vice-Presidente da Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Canadá (CCBC), mandatos 2017-2019, 2019-2021 e 2021-2023. Coordena também as atividades da CCBC no Rio de Janeiro desde 2016. Diretora estatuaria jurídica da CCBC, mandato 2023-2025. Membro do Barreau du Québec (OAB Québec – Canadá), além de ser membro da OAB do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo.


  • Professional Certification in Anti-Corruption Compliance CPC-A (FGV)
  • Professional Certification in Anti-Corruption Compliance CPC-A (FGV)
  • Revalidation of the Bachelor's degree in Law - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • MBA in economics and business law - FGV - Fundação Getúlio Vargas Rio de Janeiro
  • École du Barrreau du Québec, Montréal – Canadá; LLB. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de Montreal