Juaderson dos Santos Silva

Labour Law



He acts in legal proceedings and administrative procedures before the Special Secretary of Social Security and Labor (former Ministry of Labor and Employment) and other organs. He has experience in advising clients from various segments, especially from the mining sector and the automobile quality industry. 


  • Bachelor´s degree in Law from Universidade Estácio de Sá – São Paulo

Civil Litigation


English and Portuguese

She has experience in advising clients in various segments, especially the automotive (Ferrari Law) and real estate sectors. For years, she managed the legal department of a large company with more than 1,000 cases in progress; great experience in managing a portfolio of proceedings and management reports; years of experience in meeting demands involving real estate issues.


  • Attended the Course on Consumer Law and Company Vision and Case Law
  • Specialization in Civil Law and Civil Procedure by Escola Paulista de Direito
  • Graduated from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado

Tax Law


Portuguese and English

Lawyer active in the area of Tax Law, advisory and judicial and administrative litigation.

Member of the Tax Law Commission and the Youth Advocacy Commission of OAB/SP.


  • Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU
  • Cursando Pós-Graduação em Direito Tributário pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC

Labour Law


English and Portuguese

Specialist in Labor Law and Labor Procedure, she acts in the conduction of strategic legal and administrative proceedings. She also provides advice on labor practices. She has experience in the communication, pharmaceutical, mining, chemical, civil construction, robotics, food and services sectors.


  • Graduação em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU
  • Graduate studies degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedural Law by by Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

Labour Law


English and Portuguese

She works as a lawyer in labour law, labour procedural law and mining law.


  • Post Graduate Degree in Civil and Civil Procedural Law
  • Post Graduate Degree in Labor and Employment Law and Labor Litigation
  • Bachelor's degree from Universidade de Direito Metropolitana de Santos

Civil Litigation


English and Portuguese 

She works in consulting and judicial and administrative litigation in civil, consumer, digital law and LGPD. Has experience, as well as advising clients from various segments, notably in the automotive industry. 


  • Bachelor´s degree in Law from FMU
  • Graduate studies – consumer law FMU
  • Graduate studies - Civil Law and Civil Procedure, EPD
  • Graduate studies - Digital Law, EPD
  • Certified DPO for LGPD compliance, CERS

Labour Law

English, Spanish and Portuguese

He acts in labor proceedings, including in drafting contestations, appeals and challenges to awards. He has experience in advising clients in various segments, such as the mining industry, financial institutions and the food and beverage industry.


  • United Metropolitan Colleges - FMU

Tax Law


Portuguese and English

Tax law in the judicial and administrative courts.


  • Graduated from the Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU



English and Portuguese

Rafaela works primarily in Corporate and Contract Law, as well as with Mergers and Acquisitions.

She also has experience with legal counseling, dealing with clients from a variety of sectors, especially industry, mining, hospital and technology. 


  • LL.M. in Corporate Law from Insper – Teaching and Research Institute
  • Post-graduation in Labor Law and Process from Faculdade Baiana de Direito
  • Bachelor of Laws, Faculdade Ruy Barbosa

Civil Litigation


English and Portuguese

He has recognized experience ininsurance law, consumer relations and civil liability. She acts in the conduct of civil proceedings.


  • Graduada pela Universidade Federal de Rondônia – UNIR